Here’s why you will ride in a self-driving car (unless you still buy vinyl)

I regularly find myself justifying autonomous cars in idle conversation. Often, my defence of the robots leads to an accusation that I don’t love driving, or that I’m trying to invent Skynet. Nothing could be further from the truth. I really love driving*. One of the most popular watercooler discussions of the moment is the […]

Here’s why you will ride in a self-driving car (unless you still buy vinyl) Read More »

The moral imperative of autonomous cars (or how the robots finally take over the roads)

I regularly find myself justifying autonomous cars in idle conversation. Often, my defence of the robots leads to an accusation that I don’t love driving, or that I’m trying to invent Skynet. Nothing could be further from the truth. I really love driving*. One of the most popular watercooler discussions of the moment is the

The moral imperative of autonomous cars (or how the robots finally take over the roads) Read More »

How not to do Lean and Agile – a pre-history of agile at reed.co.uk

At reed.co.uk, we’ve been 64%* agile for many years. We’ve watched others, tried things ourselves, failed and picked ourselves up again. One of the most recent additions to our internal vernacular is that of ‘Bubble Squads’, or cross-cutting teams that quickly form around particular objectives, achieve their goals and burst, releasing their team members back

How not to do Lean and Agile – a pre-history of agile at reed.co.uk Read More »

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