October 2018

The fairy tale approach to strategy; creating purpose and clarity

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” — Sun Tzu The three steps to delivering your strategy Decide on your company’s goal; this is your purpose Determine the steps that lead towards your goal and communicate it clearly; this is your strategy Prioritise the work that you

The fairy tale approach to strategy; creating purpose and clarity Read More »

How not to do Lean & Agile — a story from our experience of Squads, Chapters and Guilds

This was originally published on my blog in January 2016. It has been updated to the past tense. At reed.co.uk, we had been 64%* agile for many years. We had watched others, tried things ourselves, failed and picked ourselves up again. One of the most recent additions to our internal vernacular was that of ‘Bubble

How not to do Lean & Agile — a story from our experience of Squads, Chapters and Guilds Read More »

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