
Part 1: How Generative AI Will Impact Product Engineering Teams

What impact will Generative AI coding and productivity tools have on teams that build software products? I think it’s probably safe to assume that we’re now past the point where there is still any debate that generative AI tools — like ChatGPT, Midjourney and Dall-E — are going to make an impact on the way that we work. The […]

Part 1: How Generative AI Will Impact Product Engineering Teams Read More »

Apple Vision Pro vs the office?

The horrible collision of VR and Return To Office working Space helmeteers, by Midjourney I’m really quite bemused by Apple’s Vision Pro product release. For those that haven’t seen it, Apple describe it as “a revolutionary spatial computer”. The less charitable among us might call it the Apple HoloLens. Being first to market was never Apple’s

Apple Vision Pro vs the office? Read More »

The opportunity that lies amidst chaos — How businesses should prepare to reboot the global economy

Photo by Erda Estremera on Unsplash This was written over the weekend of 21/22 March and is likely to be out of date by the time you read it. Standing here now, as the misty fingers of a dawning global pandemic uncurl around us, we’re repeatedly told that we’re experiencing an unprecedented, fast moving situation. The

The opportunity that lies amidst chaos — How businesses should prepare to reboot the global economy Read More »

No Trust; Always verify. How to keep your business safe in a scary world.

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash This guide is intended for senior technologists and tech-aware execs in small and medium size firms, especially rapidly scaling startups. It’s not meant for very large businesses or security professionals, and it’s certainly not meant to replace their advice. A sad truth of the internet age is that it’s almost

No Trust; Always verify. How to keep your business safe in a scary world. Read More »

The joy of climbing and the fear of falling: How becoming a climber made me better at my job

Five years ago I discovered rock climbing. To be precise, I discovered ‘indoor climbing’ with a group of work colleagues. It was one of those team building events where we were taken to do challenging things in the hope that we would become a ‘high performance team’. Whether we became ‘high performance’ is still questionable,

The joy of climbing and the fear of falling: How becoming a climber made me better at my job Read More »

Putting tech to work — getting the business technology basics right with the Opinionated Tech Stack

Business technology is often unloved — email, laptops, finance systems and sales tools just don’t feel as important as building a great product. But getting business tech wrong will cost money and may even kill your business. A slice through Ridley’s Opinonated Tech Stack Why do I care about Business Tech? As a CTO, I spent many years of

Putting tech to work — getting the business technology basics right with the Opinionated Tech Stack Read More »

What’s the perfect team size? Getting it right really does make a difference.

Whether you’re a big company looking to move fast or a small startup growing your team, size really does matter. Photo by Eva Blue on Unsplash Jeff Bezos, of the Amazon, is famously (if unreliably) credited with coining the two-pizza rule. This rule states that any team should be well-fed with only two pizzas, and is intended

What’s the perfect team size? Getting it right really does make a difference. Read More »

A little less strategy, a little more action; why most successful companies fail at strategy

I used to believe that strategy was a necessary component for success in business. We’ve been taught this in 50,000 books about strategy. We’ve looked to the military, been inspired by Sun Tzu, ogled the luminous foresight of Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. We’ve been sold the desirability of disruptive innovation and the lustre of

A little less strategy, a little more action; why most successful companies fail at strategy Read More »

If your process doesn’t change, you’re doing it wrong

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash I’ve recently been reading Creativity, Inc, Ed Catmull’s description of the history of culture and processes at Pixar. Pixar’s journey, from a 3D rendering startup to its current place at the centre of the Disney empire has been influenced by luminaries like George Lucas and Steve Jobs, and more so

If your process doesn’t change, you’re doing it wrong Read More »

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