
Value for the customer — the shared history of lean and design thinking

Before we begin, there’s something you should know about me. I love cheese and Branston sandwiches. This love of Branston pickle — a delicious, dark, unctuous, tangy turnip marmalade, means that I like to buy big jars of it. Really big jars. I even started my own business just so I could join Costco to buy their […]

Value for the customer — the shared history of lean and design thinking Read More »

Focus on the basics — the four needs of high performance team members

I interviewed someone for a job for the first time in 1998. The interviewee had a slightly unnerving habit of pecking with his whole body like an absent-minded pigeon whilst answering questions. He was clearly ill-at-ease, but I think a casual observer would have been hard pressed to tell who was more nervous. I’d had

Focus on the basics — the four needs of high performance team members Read More »

Fast moving molecular goods — the future of shopping in an augmented world

Every so often I sit down to write an article, taking some time to imagine how today’s magical technology might unfurl into one of many possible near-futures. In part, this a challenge to think creatively about the application of technology. In equal part though, it’s so I can look back in five years and laugh

Fast moving molecular goods — the future of shopping in an augmented world Read More »

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